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How To Prepare for A  Power Outage

How To Prepare for A Power Outage

A blackout or power outage can occur in an instant and without warning. The most common cause of power outages is severe weather such as thunderstorms, hurricanes, ice storms and other natural disasters. These types of storms can bring about severe rain, wind, and lightning that have the power to bring down large trees that crash into utility lines or even rip down utility poles entirely.

Storms of this magnitude can often leave millions without power. If you find yourself in a predicament like this without a backup generator, you’ll be stuck without power until the utility companies have been dispatched to clear the debris and repair utility lines to eventually restore power. If severe damage has occurred, it can take quite awhile until the power is back on. Under these circumstances, it’s important to be mindful of the problems a lack of power can cause. You won’t have a functioning refrigerator, heater, air conditioning or have access to clean water. The record-breaking winter storm of 2021 in Texas is a great example of the destruction and misery power outages can cause. Millions were without power for days and some even weeks, leaving them in freezing temperatures day in and day out without heat or running water.

In this blog, ATI’s portable power experts give advice on how you can prepare for a power outage like this. We’ll also explain some of the equipment you’ll need to keep the power on during an unexpected blackout. Our experts have a combined experience of over 50 years in the temporary power industry. So, if you have any questions regarding portable power, whether it may be about residential, commercial, industrial sectors, you can reach out to our experts at (800)-597-9311 and we’d be happy to assist you. We appreciate every opportunity from new and existing customers and would love a chance to earn your business.

Prepare Your Power Outage Supplies

While power outages are unpredictable, you can still be prepared if you find that a natural disaster is headed in your direction. It’s important to prepare well in advance rather than wait until you’ve found yourself within the Cone of Uncertainty. Often times when faced with this scenario, the general population will scramble and end up panic buying all of the supplies that we all need, rather than just taking what’s necessary. Therefore, it’s crucial to be ready well in advance.

Hurricane Preparedness Kit

ATI has proposed a list of necessary supplies you’ll need if you find yourself left without power for several days without a backup generator. See our list below.

1. Food and Water  
(Enough to last at least 7 days per person)
    • Bottled Water (1 gallon/person/day)
    • Non-Perishable Food and Snacks (Soup, Beans, Corn, Peanut Butter, Canned foods, Potato Chips, Cereal, Granola, Nuts, Crackers, Etc.)
    • Non-Perishable Pet Food
    • Cooler With Ice (Store Perishable Food in Cooler)
    • Can Opener
    2. Medical Supplies
    • First Aid Kit
    • Prescriptions
    • Bandages
    • Over The Counter Medicine
    • Children’s medicine
    • Feminine Hygiene Items
    • Tweezers
    • Hydrogen Peroxide
    • Alcohol Wipes
    • Thermometer
    3. Cooking Supplies
    • Grill
    • Propane
    • Pots and Pans
    • Paper Plates
    • Napkins
    5. Activities
    • Board Games (Lots of Them! Monopoly, Chess, Checkers, Etc.)
    • Kids Toys
    • Playing Cards
    • Charades
    • Build A Fort
    • Hide and Seek (Inside Only)
    4. Hurricane Supplies
    • Extra Cash
    • Gasoline
    • Propane
    • Flashlights
    • Lantern
    • Candles
    • Batteries (Multiple Sizes)
    • Matches
    • Lighter
    • Duct Tape
    • Rain Gear
    • Radio or Walkie Talkies
    • Garbage Bags


    Prepare Power Distribution Equipment for Power Outages

    The most important items that are needed to restore power to a specific location during a blackout is a Portable Generator and a Transfer Switch. You can purchase a few of our smaller portable generators manufactured by Generac directly on our website. However, if you’re interested in a larger Portable or Standby Generator, our experts can analyze the exact Kw rating you’ll need and get it on order for you as soon as possible. Pick up your cell and give us a call today at (800)-597-9311 or send our Portable Power Group an email at

    As mentioned before, preparedness is by far the best solution to reduce the effects of natural disasters and power outages. Testing your backup power distribution equipment every few months to ensure that everything is working properly is highly recommended. It would be a shame to have a generator and transfer switch that is completely wired up to provide backup power, yet the starter on the generator is burnt out without you even knowing it. With proper testing and maintenance, this issue could have been one phone call away from being repaired and providing power to limit down time during an outage.

    Remember, safety is a key part of the process. Be sure to always operate your generator according to national electric code, and don’t try to cut any corners. Never operate your generator inside of your home as it emits carbon monoxide that will result in death. If you have questions, call an expert!

    ATI Electrical Supply is your go to emergency power supplier for all things generator related. We keep a healthy stock of generator cables, connectors, and power distribution equipment. You can reach our portable power sales department by call or text at (800)-597-9311.

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