Increase your Cable Assembly Return on Investment with ATI’s Cable Repair Program
Have you accumulated large sums of damaged cables over a long period of time? ATI Electrical Supply has a convenient cable repair program that can turn your single and multi-conductor electrical cables from dust collectors into money makers. There’s no need to spend thousands of dollars on new and expensive cable assemblies. We can turn your damaged cables into fully functioning, profitable cables to save you a ton of time and money! ATI Electrical Supply has sold hundreds of thousands of cable assemblies, and we have the knowledge and skill to find any defects in the cable and connectors and make them like new.
Why Cable Repair Is the Right Choice for You
Are your damaged electrical cables not providing a profitable return on investment? We can fix the headache those old cables are causing by offering our value-added cable repair service to get your cables back in the field and start bringing in the bucks. It all starts with you. First, we ask that you have secured your cable assemblies in a buckhorn container or pallet with straps and covers. ATI Electrical Supply will arrange the freight to pick up the damaged cables and ship them to our warehouse, or you can use your desired shipping or freight company to send them directly to us.
After we have retrieved your cables, we hand inspect each individual cable one by one for damage and note at exactly what footage on your cables have damage, how severe, and inventory them. It is very tedious work that allows us to keep clear, concise documentation of exactly where each individual cable was damaged for future repairs and accurate pricing. Throughout the entire process we update our cable assembly log with information about your cables for you to examine.
How It works
We offer a very cut and dry approach with three general methods to repair your cables. You have complete control over the outcome of your repairs. First, you can have the option of repairing or changing out the contacts and boots. Next, contingent on how severe the damage is, you tell us what sizes you would like us to make your cables. The typical lengths are 100-foot, 50-foot, and 25-foot cables, along with 10-foot, 6-foot, or 5-foot pigtails.
While we generally offer these specific options to repair your cables, we still deliver our detailed inspection report to determine exactly what you want done with each individual cable. You can choose which method is the most beneficial for you. You choose how you want us to repurpose your cable assemblies, whether that is to change the male ends to female, vice versa, or even change the color of these connectors.
New and Improved Cable Assemblies
After the completion of the cable repair service, the ATI Electrical Supply team cleans and tests each individual assembly to ensure they work like new assemblies and that they can easily cycle back into their day-to-day operations to maximize their return on investment. We then send out a detailed report that shows each cable’s exact repair and its new standards. Lastly, we package your cables back into your original buckhorn containers or pallets, and schedule them for delivery. Our purpose is to provide this cable repair service to bring value to you by breathing life into your cable assembly assets, increasing the return on your original investment.
ATI Electrical Supply proactively works with customers to supply the portable power products, tools, and services they need to succeed throughout the year. Please contact us by phone at 800-597-9311 or email us today at ppg@atielectrical.com for more information, or visit our cable repair program to sign up today!
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